Performance 2018-2023
Plasmo-Desma (digree show)
The expanded body - Experiments in augmented sensory experience.
Plasmo-Desma explores the interdependence between living organisms and the delicate ecological balance that enables their existence. It does not approach this relationship with melancholy or as a burden; on the contrary, it considers the awareness of this interaction as a source of joy and seeks to comunicate it.
With the help of code, sensors and motors, I create a human-plant hybrid. This human-plant hybrid is called a Plasmodesma. Its blood, or more specifically, its movement within the body, provides the information to move the leaf apendages/extensions. The intention is to give visual and aural form to the constant invisible processes that keep us alive.
Πλασμο-δεσμα Exploring potential symbiotic relationships and mutualism through sensory means. Achieving the ideal posthuman form. Invisioning a future in which complex microbial and cloroplastic lifeforms provide for the body and the body provides for them. Re affirming a present in which this already takes place. The beauty of an intestinal tract fully functioning , not through individual strife but through a rizomatic relationship with all its endo and epi symbiotic relationships. The beauty of the complex interconected living breathing world.

Tilegrafos vol.2
Τηλέγραφος Vol.2 ( Tradescantia pallida) is part of a series of nature facilitated sensory augmentations. The work explores what would happen if the body had non mammalian appendages constantly giving it new information. At its core it is a post-human reimagining of the space, air, light and potion around us as informed by the plant Τηλεγραφος ( Tradescantia pallida) biology.
The hybrid performer is to experience such a broader spectrum of reality and transcend their previous sensory limitations.