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Artemis Sartzetakis (1999) is an interdisciplinary artist based in Athens, focusing primarily on game development and costume design. Their primary focus is on human impact and agency. Either focusing on environmental interdependencies in their masters diploma Expo or creating Gamified eco activism correspondence software their work reveals the power of collective and individual action. Artemis has worked across multiple mediums, including sculpture, painting, performance, and interactive game art. They studied these disciplines at the Athens School of Fine Arts and costume design at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Artemis is currently(2024) a resident artist at ARE and has exhibited at the OVERKILL Festival, IFPA Drama, Okay Initiative Space, and Zuidpool Theater Belgium.

Artemis Sartzetaki_ Tilegraphos Vol 1

Group Shows


“Athens Digital Arts Festival-Welcome to the Uncanny” Stoa korai, Athens, Greece 

“The Horde: Goblin Mode” the OVERKILL Festival, Enschede, Netherlands

“ASFA graduate show 2023” Peiraios 256, Athens , Greece

“Open spaces: Chaniartoon”' Old Customs House, Pl. Katehaki 8, Chania , Greece

“The Post-Humanisms and Metaverses Condition: IFPA” Drama , Greece


“Platforms Project ” Athens School of Fine Arts, Greece.

“Leafy Bodies” Okay Initiative Space, Athens, Greece.

“ROOMS - Kappatos Gallery” St. George Lycabettus Hotel, Athens, Greece.


“Platforms Project” Athens School of Fine Arts, Greece.


“Zuidpool Takeover" Zuidpool Theater, Antwerp, Belgium.


“10 Live Performances & 30 Video Documented Performances'' A.S.F.A. Athens School of Fine Arts - Underground Theater, Peiraios 256, Athens , Greece

"International Aristotle Onassis Exhibition” Hydra Artistic Annex of Athens School of Fine Arts, Hydra , Greece



Athens School of Fine Arts

MFA in fine arts.


Anatolia College

International Baccalaureate Diploma Program 

Scores per year: 36 and 34 points, with a total of 42 (Excellent)

Selected high-level courses: History, Visual Arts, and English Language and Literature



Erasmus+ project

"Business and Art Come Together: We cooperate instead of competing!", organized and implemented under the framework of the Erasmus+ project "Cultural Footprint" .


BUTOH dance, by Atsushi Takenouchi, Athens JINEN Butoh workshop.


Two-year performance seminar by Emilia Bouriti, visual and performance artist,

Temporary Employment

Costume design and production for LARP performance overkill festival

October 2019 - January 2019:  Paid internship at Kifidis Orthopedics 29th Syngrou Ave. Athens Greece. 117 43

Design and creation custom orthopedic appendages with a team of sculptors from the Athens School of Fine Arts.

makeup artist at OKAY initiative space

2023 and 2022 OKAY-Recap commemorative-photo

Q-Reclaim Ambient stage set design asistant

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© 2023 Artemis Sartzetaki

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